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    SECURITY    is  the  security level (0 to 64,000) that  will
    be granted to  a new  user  who logs on for  the first time.
    If  you  run  a   private  system,  and do not want to allow
    new users to log on,  set this field to zero.  In this case,
    the  user  is  notified that  the  system is  private and is

    The four flag entries  determine the flag configuration that
    will  be granted to new  users. See the  section on SECURITY
    for a full description of the RemoteAccess security system.

    NETMAIL  CREDIT is  the  new user's  initial credit  against
    sending  netmail messages.  The NETWORKING  section provides
    full details on setting up netmail costings.

    GROUP NUMBER is an arbitrary number between zero and 255 you
    may  assign new users. It allows you to segregate users into
    separate groups.  Presently the  only support for  the group
    number exists in the  list users menu command (see  the menu
    command list for further details).

    The next four entries,  ANSI, AVATAR, CLEAR SCREEN  and MORE
    determine  how  these  attributes  are  set  in  the  user's
    permanent record.  Set to  "No" will force  the option  off;
    "Yes" forces the option on, and "Ask"  asks the new user for
    his/her preference for each setting.

    The  next two  options determine whether  new users  will be
    asked  for  their  data  and voice  telephone  numbers.  The
    numbers  are  checked  against  a definable  list  of  "bad"
    numbers. The EXTERNAL SUPPORT FILES section  has more on the
    PHONENUM.CTL file.

    If  ALLOW  ONE WORD  NAMES is  disabled,  new users  will be
    required  to enter their name  as at least  two words with a
    total  length of at  least three characters.  Note that this
    restriction only applies to new users; a user already in the
    user database may log on using his or "handle".

    If the HANDLE option is enabled, new users will be asked  to
    choose  a an optional unique handle, or alias. THis is saved
    as part of the user's record and may be used to log onto the
    system  later, and to send and receive mail. More details on
    this are in the messages configuration section.

    If DATE OF BIRTH  is enabled, new users will  be prompted to
    enter  their full  birthdate. RemoteAccess  will attempt  to
    "intelligently" identify if the date supplied is legitimate.

    RemoteAccess   may  be  configured  to  behave  either  like
    QuickBBS  with hot-keyed menus,  or like Opus  with  command
    stacking  facilities.  If the USE HOT-KEYS option is set  to
    "Yes", the system defaults to hot keys for each new user. If
    the  option  is set to "Ask" then each new user is asked  to
    choose  between hot keys or command stacking.  The user  may
    change his or her choice by selecting the toggle hotkey menu
    command (see the section on MENU FUNCTIONS).

    The  FULL  SCREEN MSG  VIEWER,  when  enabled, will  display
    messages  to  the  user  using an  improved  "fixed  header"
    format, designed for enhanced readability.

    The final option  on the  new users submenu  is ALLOW  IEMSI
    SESSIONS.  When a  new user  connects to  your  system using
    IEMSI  (explained fully  in  the reference  section of  this
    manual),  RemoteAccess   will  skip  the  regular  new  user
    questionnaire   as  it  can   determine  the  user's  screen
    parameters, location,  password etc. automatically.  If this
    option  is disabled however, all new users will be forced to
    answer the regular questionnaire manually.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson